Sunday, July 18, 2010

time, heat

alas i have neglected here lately... facebook is easy and stupidly engrossing so that... the Uk jaunt was good fun, there i sso much good will towards us there that it makes the whole thing all the more... also the family came so there wasnt the usual separation anxiety... now brief hiatus twixt gigs... not much to report... along with various fan contingents i too am anxiously awaiting news of the impending record release... meanwhile i am working pretty regularly on material for whatever the next one is after 'panic'
its hot as all here... what if it keeps getting hotter? what if Al Gore is not a nut? etc
have you seen the thing about the huge island of garbage the size of Texas or bigger than the whole US depending on where you look; 'the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch, has been growing a brisk rate since the 1950s, The San Francisco Chronicle reported Friday. The trash stew is 80 percent plastic and weighs more than 3.5 million tons.
"At this point, cleaning it up isn't an option, It's just going to get bigger as our reliance on plastics continues." says Chris Parry who works with the California Coastal Commission in San Francisco'
cover with dirt plant trees etc

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